Public Transport

People Before Profit would:

  • Scrap the National Transport Authority (NTA), which has been used as a vehicle to privatise Ireland’s public transport services;
  • End any further privatisation of public transport services, and bring all privatised transport services back into public ownership and operation. Fare revenue from public transport should be re-invested in the infrastructure, not taken as private profit;
  • Reduce all existing public transport fares by 50%. This will make the use of public transport more viable for many, and will encourage commuters to use public transport instead of private cars;
  • Return state investment in state operated public transport to 2010 levels, and dramatically increase Capital Expenditure for projects such as the Western Rail Corridor;
  • Protect all existing rail lines from closure, and expand commuter rail services in regional cities by opening new stations on existing rail lines;
  • Develop public light-rail systems in Ireland’s regional cities to ensure that suburbs are connected to city centres by efficient, green and fast public transport connections;
  • Allow agreements with private operators of public transport, such as Transdev and Go-Ahead to come to an end. Bring all staff working on these services into public sector employment and run the services for public good, not private profit.
  • End the pay-freeze for public sector transport workers. Ensure all workers are remunerated appropriately with secure employment and that workers have greater control in the decision making on their routes;
  • Protect and maintain all existing Free Travel Pass provisions.