Invest in the bus service and suburban rail – move to a free service

There are fewer than 1,000 buses operating in Dublin. Fares are too high and many buses are over-crowded. We need to both increase the bus fleet and cut the fares. People Before Profit will fight for an immediate reduction of all fares to €1. We will seek a massive expansion of the bus fleet and move to a fare-free policy throughout Dublin.

Create proper cycle ways

We need safe cycle ways with soft barriers to separate them from cars and pedestrians.

Make more free bicycles available

For a limited deposit, people should be able to pick up a bicycle and return it to a different space. We aim to expand the free bike scheme, run by the council itself.

Reduce car usage

Ireland is a car-dependent society because many people have little confidence that they can get to work on time using public transport. Half a million of Ireland’s 2 million cars are located in Dublin. Following proper investment in public transport and bicycles, we will start to restrict car usage in the city. This will reduce congestion and improve air quality.