Improvement in the Maternity Services
People Before Profit are aware that the 8th amendment affects all areas of pregnancy and birth. Due to the wording of the 8th (see above) informed consent is not required from a pregnant person causing major problems for women’s health. For example, the HSE national consent policy states “because of the Constitutional provisions on the right to life of the unborn [Article 40.3.3] there is significant legal uncertainty regarding a pregnant woman’s right to [consent]”.
This policy restricts informed consent and informed refusal of treatment to pregnant women. At no other time in a woman’s life is she unable to deny consent to medical procedures performed on her other than during pregnancy. This consent policy has led to women being summoned to the high court at 40 weeks pregnant for refusing treatment they do not consent to, whether these are in line with international best practice or not.
- PBP want maternity care in Ireland to be women centred and based on international best medical practice and not the active management of labour
- This includes ultra-sound scans as a right at 20 weeks. The National Maternity Strategy recommends that all women have access to the scans, which can identify major and in some cases life-threatening problems with the development of a baby’s organs as well as fatal foetal abnormalities. The procedure is only available in 12 of the country’s 19 maternity hospitals. PBP would immediately ensure this scan is available in all of Irish maternity hospitals
Full Social and Political Equality for Women
People Before Profit also recognise the importance of economic and social equality for women and the significance of this for full reproductive choice. For those who wish to have children, their choice should be facilitated by economic and social supports. We will therefore continue to campaign for proper supports and equality for families and children.
- The years of austerity have widened the gender pay gap: on average, Irish women today are paid 14 per cent less than men.
- We call for all social welfare payments to be restored to their pre-austerity levels; for adequate provision for lone parents and their families, for people with disabilities and for children with special needs.
- We will campaign for an end to child poverty (almost 10% of children in Ireland live in consistent poverty, with 20% of children at risk of poverty), and for the provision of high quality childminding and child care services for all who need them.
- We will continue to campaign for fully equal social, economic, legal and political rights for women.
People Before Profit are affiliated to the Coalition to Repeal the 8th Amendment. This means,
- We are actively involved at building for repeal at a national and local level.
- We have been instrumental in setting up active local groups to campaign on a broad basis for repeal.
- We stand for a simple repeal option and will support legislation in the Dail to provide free and safe abortion in Ireland.
- This will involve repealing the Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act 2013 which criminalises abortion except in the most restrictive of cases.