Repeal of the 8th Amendment

Since Savita Halappanavar’s death there has been a significant shift in attitudes around abortion in Ireland. Polls now indicate that roughly 80% of the population are in favour of Repealing the 8th Amendment. Polls have also shown widespread support for women being able to access abortions in Ireland up to 12 weeks of a pregnancy.

The fact that the Citizens Assembly recommended that the 8th amendment not be retained in its current form and that abortion be allowed without restrictions up to 12 weeks and for socio economic reasons up to 22 weeks showed that when people are presented with the facts they agree with abortion being much more available. This is borne out by a Red C Poll in October 2017 which showed 60% support for a woman’s right to choose.

The mainstream parties are now out of step with what the majority of women in Ireland want. Fianna Fail voted at its 2017 Ard Fheis against repealing the 8th Amendment.

Fine Gael may have individual members who support liberalisation, but the party still remains conservative on this issue. Labour and Sinn Fein only support abortion in limited circumstances putting abortion into good abortions vs. bad abortions and not trusting pregnant people to make their own choices.


To give us the best chance of repealing the 8th we want wording that is straightforward and not confusing. For example “do you want the 8th amendment removed from the constitution?” YES / NO. We also want it repealed and not replaced. Finally, we want an early referendum in April or May before colleges close so that young people travelling for jobs are not disenfranchised.


Free Safe and Legal Abortion Rights

Repeal of the 8th is an important first step, but we need to go further. People Before Profit is committed to the fight for women’s full bodily autonomy, including the right to free, safe, and legal abortion.

  • We believe that access to abortion is a fundamental human right for women, and crucial to women’s economic and social independence.
  • We believe abortion should be available country-wide and provided free through the health service, along with full care and support. To make this a reality we would train an adequate number of staff to perform abortions and/or administer the abortion pill in all major hospitals. We would also ensure funding is provided to set up abortion clinics country-wide.
  • We seek an end to the regime of secrecy and shame in which 12 women a day are forced to travel abroad to access abortion.
  • We want full decrimalisation of women accessing abortion
  • We also seek the full legalisation of abortion pills and proper counselling and support around their use.
  • We support the rights of men and women who experience disability to the special information and supports they may need to enjoy their sexual and reproductive lives.