Fighting the Far Right
One symptom of a decaying capitalism is the rise of racist and fascist organisations. Typically these organisations use racism as the principle lever for dividing the working class, attacking the left and building support for themselves. In so far as they succeed, they pull the whole political climate to the right. This rise in racism (while it is officially deplored) is both fuelled and appeased by the state racism of ‘the centre’ and by the mainstream media in terms of their hostility to immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers and the policies of Fortress Europe, Direct Provision, deportations and so on.
We are fortunate that so far no significant far right has emerged in Ireland (with the exception of right wing loyalism in the North) but there is no room for complacency. It is clear from everyday experience, from social media (e.g. the campaign against Ibrahim Halawa) and from anti-social behaviour marches that there is significant racism out there, particularly in the form of ‘we should look after our own first’. This is not only a major problem in itself but also fertile ground that could potentially be capitalised on by an emergent far right force. Luckily United Against Racism has emerged as a key anti-racism organisation. People Before Profit supports UAR and works alongside its members in a number of key initiatives.
In terms of the far right the following are our key objectives.
- No platform for fascists – People Before Profit opposes any opportunity for fascists and hard right groups to spread their hatred. We will oppose them on the streets if necessary and stop them from spreading their message in any way we can.
- Oppose Donald Trump’s racism – Donald Trump has legitimised racism and fascism across the world. He attacks the people who are victims of the capitalist system particularly Muslims, Mexicans and black people and shields the powerful in big business. We stand with groups like Black Lives Matter in opposing racism and his far right ideas.
- Oppose Israel as an apartheid state. Israel is an apartheid state. People before Profit stands with the people of Palestine. We support the Ban Divestment and Sanctions Movement against Israel and look to a one state solution that gets rid of all sectarianism.
- No platform for fascists in the North. Recently Britain First have been trying to organise in the North. People Before Profit have mobilised on the streets and will continue to oppose them wherever they emerge.