
People Before Profit campaigns for full equality for LBGTQ people.

We want:

  • Full equality for gay or bisexual men donating blood. This means ending the 12 month celibacy rule that currently exists.
  • Hate crime legislation to deal with homophobic and transphobic attacks and proper recording of data on such attacks.
  • Extension of gender recognition act to 16-18 year olds.
  • Access to gender neutral toilets in schools, workplaces and public buildings.
  • A third gender option for non-binary people on all official forms.
  • Legislation to make anti-retroviral drugs such as Pre-exposure prophylaxis, free.
  • Legislation to allow all LGBTQ people fleeing persecution to live in Ireland.
  • Free gender care through an Irish NHS, including services like psychotherapy, counselling, speech and language therapy, hormone therapy, hair removal and gender reassignment surgery.
  • Restoration and improvement of funding for mental health and addiction treatment services.
  • Proper funding for LGBTQ organisations and resource centres.
  • Compulsory, age-appropriate sex education which deals with issues around gender, sexuality, safe sex, consent and contraception.
  • Anti-bullying initiatives for schools, youth groups, sports clubs etc.
  • LGBTQ awareness training for workplaces, community organisations, sports clubs etc.
  • Full support for marriage equality in the North.