Our Solution

Homelessness – We would build 10,000 homes in year one to get people out of homelessness.

Waiting Lists – We would build 100,000 public houses over the course of a decade and task NAMA with providing 25,000 affordable houses in the next five years.

Renters – People Before Profit would set up a Rental Board with the express aim of cutting rents by linking them to the Consumer Price Index and introduce legal measures to stop landlords refusing state payments like HAP and RAS.

Affordable Homes – People Before Profit would end speculation on land prices and insist that land surrounding cities be sold at lower rates to facilitate cheap house building. We would reduce the cost of homes through state building projects and look to offer alternative sources of credit through the network of credit unions. We would also forbid the scandal of building self-certification to make sure all properties are safe to live in.

Mortgage Arrears – We would ban evictions for those in genuine mortgage distress.

Minorities – People Before Profit would establish an agency to oversee the delivery of culturally appropriate Traveller accommodation and increase supply for people with disabilities and special needs.

Students – Many students are struggling to go to university due to the high cost of renting. To tackle this PBP would spend €500 million annually to provide suitable student accommodation.

2019 Policy Interventions

  • Acquire 2,500 vacant units in Dublin
  • Acquire 2,500 vacant units outside Dublin
  • Build 10,000 council homes as part of a 100,000 Public Housing Programme
  • Increase the public allocation on private land from 10-20%.
  • Task the National Assets Management Agency with delivering 5,000 social and affordable units in 2019.