People Before Profit would:

  • End Church Control – Take schools into public ownership and put them under local democratic control. Remove Section 37.1 of the Employment Equality Act which allows discrimination against employees in religious-run workplaces. Remove Rule 68 of Rules for National Schools which requires that a religious spirit must inform and vivify the whole work of the primary school.
  • Abolish all requirements for compulsory religious instruction – allow religious groups (and non-religious groups) access to school facilities after school hours.
  • Protect Small Schools. Small schools to be protected and supported in line with the wishes of local communities and parents, particularly in rural areas
  • Establish a maximum class size. Our goal is a maximum number of students in any class, anywhere in the country, of 18.
  • Modern Resources. Spacious, fully-equipped schools with multiple science labs, computer labs and classrooms with Wi-Fi access and iPads/tablets. Teaching and learning should never have to take place in dilapidated buildings or prefabs.
  • Reduce the core cost. School transport, uniforms, meals, educational materials (including books) and play and PE facilities provided free in all schools.
  • Employ more Support Staff. Irish schools baldy need lab assistants to cater for Science and ICT classes. There should also be more guidance counselling.
  • Support vulnerable and disadvantaged children. Full support for vulnerable pupils and all those with special educational needs; autism proof all secondary schools to give every pupil the chance to develop. The number of teachers and Special Needs Assistants (SNA) should match the needs of the school, based on a maximum class size of 18 students and on each individual student’s need for an SNA. Expansion of the ‘Breaking the Cycle’ Scheme, piloted in the 1990s, to all DEIS Schools.
  • Move Away from Rote Learning. Provide resources to move away from an overemphasis on final exams in favour of course work and critical engagement.
  • Library Grants. Annual ring-fenced library grant to all schools.

Post-Primary Education

Many of the measures outlined above are applicable in the post-primary setting too. In addition, we would

  • Substantially increase in the number of teachers employed in accordance with maximum class sizes and growth in pupil numbers due to demographic factors
  • Ban commercial promotions and advertising, sales pitches, voucher schemes and branded lesson materials
  • Ensure that SNAs have access to redeployment panels that operate on a similar basis to those of primary teachers.
  • Introduce modules on philosophy, political economy and media studies to promote political engagement
  • Provide a wider range of subjects and allow students greater choice