Cllr Melisa Halpin:
Has been campaigning on housing since she became a councillor. She works with Richard Boyd Barrett to bring people in need of housing into the Dail to highlight their issues. Melisa...
At the last council meeting Melisa's attempt to have a discussion about the housing crisis facing Dún Laoghaire Rathdown was removed from the agenda. This was a blatant move to sweep the issue under the carpet. Saying that we will...
Our campaign for the local election on Friday 23rd May 2014 is well underway. The response on the doorsteps is very positive.
If you would like to contribute your time and/or skills to our campaign, please get in touch...
Melisa Halpin is the People Before Profit Councillor in Dun Laoghaire. She replaced Richard Boyd Barrett on the Council after his election to the Dáil. Melisa is from Blackrock and has worked with Richard and People Before Profit since...
This government is savagely attacking special needs educational provision. In its election manifesto Labour promised to “support schools, parents and children with special educational needs by ensuring that necessary supports follow a child from primary to second level”, but...
Labour Minister Joan Burton’s recent remarks, that welfare is becoming a ‘lifestyle choice’ for some people, were disgusting. Labour and Fine Gael want to blame the unemployed for their plight, instead of the bankers, developers and politicians whose greed...
Last January the council finally agreed to progress the proposals for a public swimming amenity at Dun Laoghaire Baths. But in May, when it came to agreeing the spending programme for the next 4 years, the manager proposed to...
The Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company has proposed a €250 million redevelopment of Dun Laoghaire Harbour. Incredibly, the plan includes proposals for 300 multi-storey apartments. Clearly, the Harbour Company have not noticed that speculative property development caused the current economic...
Prior to the general election local residents and the People Before Profit Alliance organised protests opposing the removal of the 46a from Monkstown Farm and cuts to the other bus services in the area. Labour and Fine Gael TD’s...
Since the Shanganagh Community Beach Gardens opened last year it has proved to be a great success. There are dozens of local residents and community groups now involved and coming together in a communal spirit to grow their own...