
People Before Profit believes in artistic freedom and encourages the creativity, expression and critical activity associated with arts and culture. Artistic practice benefits the whole of society and should be available to all, regardless of income, location or social background.

Ireland’s artistic and cultural heritage is one of our greatest asserts. The country has an enviable legacy of artistic achievement, but all too often, this has been monopolised by those with money and connections.

The arts here are overly commodified and exclusionary. Instead of encouraging people to explore their creative side, the Irish elites have fostered a division between a supposedly high art tradition and popular culture. People Before Profit rejects this division. We believe that everyone has the potential to gain from the arts once they are open and accessible to all.

Art is especially influential for children and can act as a catalyst for critical thinking. Self-expression and exploration can have a very positive effect on children and teenagers and should be encouraged in education and outside of it. Access to the arts can also be therapeutic. People with autism and mental health problems can benefit from the self-expression of the arts. To put art and culture at the centre of society, People Before Profit would focus on the following areas.