• Stop live exports to countries where welfare standards at the final destination cannot be assured. All food animals should be humanely slaughtered as near as possible to the point of production and should not be exported to countries that do not apply the same animal welfare standards that apply within the EU.
  • Introduce measures requiring all animals, but especially pigs and poultry, to be provided with adequate space, natural light and opportunities to carry out their natural behaviours.
  • Support the complete ban on the use of wild animals in circuses. Circuses can never provide a suitable environment for wild animals such as tigers, lions and elephants. We believe that the welfare of wild animals is compromised by regular transport, loading and unloading, noise and lights. Many countries around the world have introduced bans or partial bans on the use of wild animals in circuses. We also believe that coercing wild animals to perform unnatural behaviours is morally and ethically unacceptable.
  • Introduce a complete ban on the hunting of wild mammals with hounds. Hunting wild mammals with hounds is cruel and out dated. Scientific research has shown that the welfare of a fox pursued by hounds is severely compromised and death is rarely instantaneous, contrary to the claims of the hunting industry.
  • Introduce a complete ban on coursing live hares. In 2015, almost 7000 hare’s were taken from the wild to be used in live coursing events by licensed coursing clubs. Despite the greyhounds being muzzled, the hares suffer fear and distress and some are killed or seriously injured and have to be euthanised. Live hares should not be used for this activity and alternatives should be introduced.
  • Properly enforce the ban on doping of greyhounds, lurchers, and horses. Even 1% of Greyhounds testing positive for doping is an unacceptable level. These drugs can have debilitating side effects in an animal, one of which includes permanent heart damage. The Greyhound Rescue Association of Ireland (GRAI) has called for owners found to have dogs which tested positive to be banned from owning dogs, not just from racing them. People Before Profit is also calling for those convicted of this act of cruelty be prevented from owning animals.
  • The control and regulation of Greyhound breeding for profit. Greyhounds are victims of a massive profit making industry in Ireland. Given the sheer numbers of abandoned or “euthanised” greyhounds each year, it is clear that some in the industry are breeding far too many animals. This needs to be regulated and controlled. Charities are starting to re-home some of these unwanted dogs, but their resources cannot stretch to meet the actual need. Furthermore we advocate banning the export of greyhounds to jurisdictions where equivalent welfare standards to Ireland do not exist.