Teenagers in  Shanganagh Cliffs and Rathsallagh along with residents from the area have come together to establish a new youth group. “The Shankill Youths”  has approximately thirty teenage boys and girls aged 14-18. The group has been on various outings including visits to the National Aquatic Centre, Go Karting, and Skiing in the Dublin mountains.

Although youth groups have been running successfully from Shanganagh Park House for many years, this new group aims to cater for older children and young adults at often the most difficult and stressful part of their lives. The group is in need of volunteers and so far residents have fundraised, mainly from their own pockets. They have recently joined up with C.Y.C and are planning further activities and events over the coming months.

The need for such youth groups is more important as the recession deepens and social problems increase due to unemployment and government cuts. It is precisely these cuts that are putting communities at risk right across Europe with the kind of  devastating consequences that we have seen this summer on the streets of London. We need to fight to expand these services, for too long the blame for social problems has been targeted solely at our youth without the provision of adequate resources. This has to change.

The Shankill Youths have taken positive steps for teenagers in the area; this should be recognised and funded into the future. We will continue to support such groups and demand that our youth are respected and provided for.