
  • Move to carbon neutral economy by 2035.
  • Invest in renewable energy jobs, R&D and environmentally friendly food production.
  • Update the water infrastructure.
  • Implement an Environmental Programme of soft flood defences
  • Major investment in public transport –expand the bus fleet nationally and in Dublin, increase rail services on suburban lines, finish and enhance the frequency and capacity of the Western Rail Corridor. Invest in light rail systems for Cork, Galway and Limerick.
  • Invest in cycling and walking infrastructure.
  • Halve all fares on public transport to affect a major shift in behaviour.
  • Involve transport users and local communities in planning new routes
  • Introduce and enforce new building codes to make buildings energy efficient. Aim for “passive “energy efficiency in all homes within 10 years.
  • State Energy and Construction Companies to retrofit buildings in line with efficient energy rating standards.
  • Pass legislation to take existing stock of fossil fuels into public ownership.
  • Pass legislation to leave fossil fuels not currently in use in the ground.
  • Increase taxes on oil and gas companies to pay for transition to renewables.
  • Include local communities in switch to renewables.
  • Democratise energy grid by opening it up to renewable projects lead by community and micro generation. Establish efficiencies with one grid for the whole island.
  • Diffuse renewables to every town and city whilst ensuring communities have ownership and control of all projects.
  • If possible, move to environmentally friendly Biofuels/Biomass production.
  • Oppose nuclear power, fracking and shale gas extraction.
  • A properly mandated and accountable Environmental Protection Agency and Sustainable Energy Association Ireland. End the corporate and business influence in these agencies.
  • Physical heritage, including mountains, lakes, rivers, countryside to be safeguarded from privatisation and remain open to the public
  • Re-afforestation programme to sequester Co2 and to increase bio diversity. Complete overhaul of Coillte and its remit, replacing it with a dedicated environmental mandate and a not for profit business to reforestation; increase forestry cover from 11% to 20% by 2025.
  • Protect Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas and Natural Heritage Areas where appropriate.
  • Re-municipalisation of Waste Collective Services.
  • Oppose GM Crops in Ireland and the Developing World.
  • Reverse the planned increase in dairy and beef herds and expand investments in sustainable agriculture and organic models for real food security in years ahead.
  • Lobby for international action to restrict the burning of fossil fuel.